Select MT09 below to enter 2021 MT09 store, otherwise scroll down to see information about my flash and its development
Flashed by Vcyclenut purchased a 2021 MT09 and used it to develop the best flash in the business. The flashes are done using Woolich software . This page is to update everyone on progress and to show off testing results . These same results apply equally to the 2021-2024 Tracer GT900 and 2022-2024 XSR900. To see testing results with different exhausts and intake set ups scroll to the bottom of the page.
To see testing data on the 2024 MT09 use the link a little above.
Below is a dyno run comparing the new motor vs the old. These are stock vs stock. I chose the strongest stock previous CP3 motor I had in my library as the comparison.
You can see the new motor has more torque till 9k RPM than is the same till almost 10k and than falls off. Then you can see the revving advantage of the old motor. The lower redline is why the new bike has to be geared taller. The taller gearing can be felt when riding the bike. To me seat of the pants they feel very similar in acceleration but I did not ride them back to back. For sure there is not a lot between them in acceleration up to where the new motor falls off.
These will be dyno runs I use for comparison moving forward
To see testing data on the 2024 MT09 use the link a little above.
Below is a dyno run comparing the new motor vs the old. These are stock vs stock. I chose the strongest stock previous CP3 motor I had in my library as the comparison.
You can see the new motor has more torque till 9k RPM than is the same till almost 10k and than falls off. Then you can see the revving advantage of the old motor. The lower redline is why the new bike has to be geared taller. The taller gearing can be felt when riding the bike. To me seat of the pants they feel very similar in acceleration but I did not ride them back to back. For sure there is not a lot between them in acceleration up to where the new motor falls off.
These will be dyno runs I use for comparison moving forward
There are a couple things that separate my flash from the competition.
First is that I invest in the motorcycle by buying one. I am not just tuning a customers bike and using that file as my mail in flash.
2nd is my data logging and seat time actually riding the bike on the road in real conditions.
A flash only done on a dyno can not have the precision in partial throttle tuning that data logging the bike in REAL conditions does. The load is not the same on the dyno. Some dyno's can try to mimic the road conditions but most dyno's have almost no load. There is also more to a flash than just fuel mapping. Throttle mapping is a huge part of it. ACTUAL ROAD TESTING is the only way to know for sure how the bike is going to feel when riding it. Experience of course helps but there is no substitute for seat time.
Before starting my data logging I went to install some block off plates and discovered the bike does not have an AIS system. So no AIS system to disable or block off plates to install. NICE!!
This is the stock throttle map for power mode 1 gear 4, you can see the throttle is closing in the upper RPM . This is what is causing the big drop off in the top of the dyno run. I can confirm that after some work with Woolich the big drop off is gone. This illustrates just one reason why using a power commander on a modern fly by wire bike is not going to get you the best results. You need to adjust more than just fuel to get the most from the bike

There are some additional even more restrictive throttles in 1st and 2nd gear in each mode .
Here is 1st gear in Mode 1, you can see you never achieve full throttle

2nd gear is a bit better but you still never get 100% throttle. You can also see no matter the gear and throttle position the throttle is closing after 10,000 rpm
Obviously all of these throttle restrictions are removed in the flash. I did not make major changes to the stock throttle tables in each mode except removing restrictions in modes 1-3 in all gears and in the upper rpm's I left mode 4 as stock. I spent a lot of time in the lower rpm's to see what throttle opening rate made the best power and have adjusted the opening rate to match this.
I raised the rev limiter by 250 rpm for a bit of over rev, the power is tapering off at the stock redline so I do not see the advantage of raising it higher than this which would add additional stress on the motor with little to no benefit.
The other area in the stock programming that Yamaha used to tame the motor down was in the ignition timing. Especially at part throttle. I have spent a lot of time testing different ignition timing settings and you can feel the added thrust at part throttle
I raised the rev limiter by 250 rpm for a bit of over rev, the power is tapering off at the stock redline so I do not see the advantage of raising it higher than this which would add additional stress on the motor with little to no benefit.
The other area in the stock programming that Yamaha used to tame the motor down was in the ignition timing. Especially at part throttle. I have spent a lot of time testing different ignition timing settings and you can feel the added thrust at part throttle
I have made several back to back rides with the stock programming vs my flash. First I want to say Yamaha did a great job with the bike. The stock bike is very good. Saying that, I can say with confidence that my flash makes the on/off throttle even better with smoother engine braking and reapplication of the throttle even smoother, the over all smoothness of the bike is better with less vibration, the top end rush is noticeably stronger and the lower gears are pretty nuts!
The parameters I have adjusted to achieve this are:
:Adjustments to both the TPS and IAP fuel tables in all modes
:Adjustments to ignition timing tables removing all restrictions and optimizing them for best power at all rpm's and throttle postions
:Adjustments to throttle tables in modes 1-3, removing all restrictions in all gears with amore aggressive opening rate
:Adjustments to the engine braking tables
:Disable o2 sensor , can be removed or left in the exhaust ( on any model with factory cruise control, the o2 sensor must remain hooked up for the CC to work)
:Rev limiter raise 250
:Disable decel fuel cut
:Disable top speed limiter
:Turn on fans at 195
Note: Some companies are charging extra for a quick shifter fix. Claiming they can make adjustments to the stock quick shifter with the flash. This is a lie. The only software to flash this bike is woolich. There are no quick shifter settings in the software. After my flash you will find the quick shifter to be a bit smoother but that is just the result of proper fueling and nothing that should be charged extra for.
Here are some dyno runs to compare full throttle performance. The first comparison is 5th gear. For the stock ecu run I disconnected the rear wheel speed sensor so that the speed limiter to not interfere with the run and exaggerate gains. Further down i will have a 5th gear comparison with the speed limiter active . You can see there are gains from start to finish with the bike no longer falling off on top. The peak number gain is not big but the area area under the curve is
Next lets compare all gears together on the stock ecu vs flashed. It is normal to have some drop in power as we go down in gears but you can see the flashed ecu holds on to its power much better than the stock ecu. The gains would even be more impressive if I could dyno 1st and 2nd gear. I did try but got wheel spin and inconsistent results. These tables use speed instead of rpm as the horizontal axis.
stock ecu: You can see the speed limiter kicks in at the top of 5th gear
stock ecu: You can see the speed limiter kicks in at the top of 5th gear
flashed ecu: more consistent across gears and no speed limiter
next is each gear 6-3 compared directly

Click on the buttons to see my different testing results
This is the testing I have done on my own bike, on my own dyno. I have flashes for all exhaust systems out, even if they are not listed below.
This is the testing I have done on my own bike, on my own dyno. I have flashes for all exhaust systems out, even if they are not listed below.